2023 Annual Information Technology Summit & Tradeshow
Thursday, May 4, 2023
7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Holiday Inn by the Bay, 88 Spring Street, Portland, ME
Why Attend the MTUG Technology Summit?
MTUG's IT Summit and Tradeshow is the premier technology infrastructure conference in Maine with workshop topics that speak to the concerns and interests of IT professionals in all organizational sectors and industries. The exhibitors on the tradeshow floor will run the full array of IT services, from telco and ISP providers, managed services providers, collaboration services, application development, project management, training, IT management and support, data and storage management, infrastructure/data center, cloud services, and more.
Attendees enjoy for just $70 Advance Rate:
- Keynote Speaker: Pips Veazey, Director, Portland Gateway, University of Maine
- Summit Workshops: 16 Summit Workshops, board-selected by public RFP across multiple tracks, featuring independent voices from across the Maine tech community
- Exhibitor Tradeshow: Complete floor access featuring 50 exhibits with a broad selection of tech vendors willing to invest their presence in Maine.
- A chance to reconnect with 400 of your peers statewide!
- Continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon dessert
- Door prizes from our sponsors and exhibitors!
Get all the great details in:
The MTUG 2023 I.T. Summit Brochure [PDF] linked here.
Sponsors / Exhibitors have unique access to:
- A regional IT professional audience who attend MTUG events specifically for our brand of carefully selected/guided workshops featuring authentic technology implementation experiences from their peers.
- Be present among the largest collection of business-focused IT vendors in Maine. Local tech professionals come to MTUG to meet the tech vendors invested in Maine and Northern New England.
- Visibility on the MTUG event site, directory, and event-related publicity.
- Access to the print-only attendee list delivered to all User Group attendees at the event.
Use our Email Signup form below if you would like to receive attendee, presentation, and exhibitor announcements about the MTUG IT Summit, and our other programs year-round.
Summit Agenda
This agenda does not include some exhibitor setup and registration time info. For that information, please see the Exhibitor Logistics information [updated].
- 7:30–8:30am – Attendee Registration & Breakfast
- Attendee Registration – Lobby (1st floor)
Continental Breakfast – Casco Bay Exhibit Hall (downstairs/G3) - 8:00 – 8:30 am – Student Orientation: Connecticut Room, 1st/Lobby Level.
- 7:30am–4:00pm (ALL DAY) – Vendor Exhibitors
- Tradeshow Booths – Casco Bay Exhibit Hall (downstairs/G3)
- Meet with vendors and view demonstrations and displays of new and innovative technology products and services.
- 8:30am–3:00pm (MOST of DAY) – "Birds of a Feather" User Group Tables
- Open for one-on-one Discussions/Q&A -– Lincoln/Kennebec Room, 2nd floor
- Speak with representatives from regional tech user groups, featuring a variety of disciplines.
- 8:30–8:45am – Opening Remarks & Announcements
- Casco Bay Hall
- 8:45–9:45am – Workshop Sessions A
- Lobby Level & 2nd Floor - 4 consecutive workshops
Detailed PDF of Workshop Schedule & Descriptions below. - 11am–12pm – Workshop Sessions B
- Lobby Level & 2nd Floor - 4 consecutive workshops
Detailed PDF of Workshop Schedule & Descriptions below. - 12–1pm – Buffet Lunch
- Vermont/New Hampshire/Massachusetts Hall - Enter from left end of 1st floor hall.
- 12:10–1:10pm – Announcements & Keynote During Lunch
- Announcements & Keynote During Lunch - Also streaming from Casco Bay Hall podium.
- Keynote Speaker Dr. Alice "Pips" Veazey presents "Teeming with Teams: Collaborative work in an age of complexity."
- (Annual scholarship donor recognition, in previous years held after keynote, will instead be in the Casco Bay Hall 3:30pm before Door Prize announcements).
- Cookies from lunch served after 1pm in the Casco Bay Hall break area.
- 1:15–2:15pm – Workshop Sessions C
- Lobby Level & 2nd Floor - 4 consecutive workshops
Detailed PDF of Workshop Schedule & Descriptions below. - 2:15–3:15pm – Workshop Sessions D
- Lobby Level & 2nd Floor - 4 consecutive workshops
Detailed PDF of Workshop Schedule & Descriptions below. - 3:00pm – More Desserts in the Casco Bay Hall
- 3:30–4:00pm – Closing Ceremonies of the MTUG I.T. Summit!
- Casco Bay Hall
- 3:30pm: Students Regroup
- Students are welcome to regroup & share experiences at Reserved Table in CB Hall
- 3:30pm: Scholarship Donor Recognition
- Join us in thanking our 2023 Scholarship Donors!
(Recipients to be announced & celebrated late spring!) - 3:40pm: Final Remarks, Grand Prize & Vendor Door Prizes!
- For most prizes, attendees must be present to win!
- 4:00 pm – The 36th Annual IT Summit & Tradeshow ends
Public Attendee Registration is Open!
Please use the Eventbrite button above to go directly to the MTUG2023 Summit Eventbrite Form to complete your Public Attendee Registration. This form can also be used for "supplemental" Sponsor/Exhibitor Passes for exhibitors who need more passes than came with their exhibitor package.
Help MTUG thrive and meet other Maine tech folks!
Be an MTUG Volunteer.
MTUG wouldn't be what it is for these past 35+ years without people just like YOU! We're always looking for a few extra volunteers in the months leading up to the event, our monthly programs, as well as our Registration Area to help register and check-in attendees. MTUG Staff and Board will be available at registration at all times for support.
Volunteer just 90 minutes and attend the rest of the event free!
View the MTUG Volunteer Sign-Up form for more information, and to sign up as a volunteer for #MTUG2023!
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Alice "Pips" Veazey, Director, University of Maine Portland Gateway
"Teeming with teams: collaborative work in an age of complexity"
Around the world, work is being done by distributed teams more than ever. Through this approach, organizations bring together resources to develop better solutions. Technology can enhance, support, or hinder these connections, so the associated design of the technological and human systems in concert with one another is critical for both makers and users of technology. The science of teams and collaborative work can improve how we think about the use of technology, especially in complex, knowledge-driven systems. Building on the keynote from 2022 around agility and resilience, this presentation will examine the latest findings from team science and explore ways to create more effective connections within and across organizations. The result for you? Better solutions to lead your organization to lower costs, and higher profitability!

Prior to accepting the director’s position, Dr. Veazey served as the Principal Investigator for the Alaska Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), a major statewide program funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Alaska aimed at increasing research capacity and the STEM workforce. Pips co-founded the EPSCoR Education, Outreach and Diversity (EOD) group, and served on both the Project Administrators and Directors Councils.
Pips led and co-created the University of Alaska Fairbanks Visualization Space, a high-resolution visual environment designed to enhance shared understanding among circumpolar researchers, community members and organizations; promote conversations about complex problems; and co-develop creative solutions. Her research includes time on and around the continent of Antarctica and the Greenland ice cap to examine the physical structures of ice over time.
Her current research focuses on enhancing effective leadership of large interdisciplinary science teams. She has worked with dozens of large research teams across the country to facilitate the co-development of research collaboration plans. She serves as a founding board member of the International Network for the Science of Team Science, a two-term board member for the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States and a recently elected board member of the Environmental and Energy Technology Council of Maine.
Summit Workshops
View our complete list of confirmed speakers with topics/descriptions on this page. Check back for updates. Room/time schedule to be posted soon.
This year's Summit will feature 16 Workshops.
Workshop Schedule & Descriptions
Workshop schedules are subject to change.
Click here, or the grid below, for the full Workshop Schedule with Workshop Descriptions [PDF].
Click any workshop title/speaker below for a description of their session:
- AI benefits and risks for the individual, business, and technology.
Frank Appunn, InfraGard. - Lessons from LastPass: Beyond Secure Password Management
Cheryl Biswas, TD Bank. - From PCI 3.2.1 to 4.0 – Protecting your ability to accept payment cards
Jockel Carter. - End of Life Technology: Security, Environmental, Regulatory & Social Impacts
Allen Cornwall, Give IT Get IT. - Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Life Science IT But Have Been Forced To Find Out
Chris Dagdigian, BioTeam Inc. - Bootstrap your Product Security with OWASP SAMM
John Ellingsworth, Security Principal, OWASP SAMM - Consoles, Serial Ports, KVMs, and more: what to do when the network is not enough to reach your systems
Bruce Hall, Network Administrator, Bates College
Karen McArthur, Senior Systems and Infrastructure Administrator, Bates College. - Lurking in the Shadows: Common Risks Overlooked in your Active Directory
Christopher Haller, Director of Professional Services, Centripetal. - Untapped Benefits of the Microsoft Power Platform and the Complex Problems Getting Solved
Jean Haskell, Sr. Programmer Analyst, Systems Engineering
Travis D. Hersom, Chief Information Officer, Baker Newman Noyes. - Beyond Checklists and Audits: Mastering CMMC Compliance in the Real World
Jack Horgan, Security & Compliance Officer, Technology Solutions of Maine. - Where should you start with the Internet of things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)? How can you differentiate your business with IoT/AI?
Nadège Levallet, MBA, PhD, Assistant Professor, Management and Information Systems, Graduate School of Business, University of Maine
C. Matt Graham, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, Maine Business School, University of Maine. - Build Sustainable Extranets & Customer Portals for External Stakeholders
Tony Marchetti, Principal Consultant CollabPoint & Pete Dierker, IT Director at ClearEdge Partners. - Becoming a Data-driven Business: An End-to-end Strategy
Patrick McQuillan, Subject Matter Expert in Data & Analytics, Jericho Consulting. - Understanding Threats in your Applications through Threat Modeling
John Poulin, Staff Security Engineer, GitHub. - Fast & Furious: A Look At What Happens The First Few Seconds And First Full Week You Connect A System Or Device To The Internet
Bob Rudis, GreyNoise Intelligence. - Including your Business' Voices in ERP Implementations
Ande Smith, President, Deer Brook Consulting
Chris Burbank, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, York County Community College.
MTUG's Workshops are selected through a public RFP process in the months before the Summit. Our Board of Directors looks for programs of interest to the MTUG community, and reviews workshop content with an eye toward featuring independent, first-person experiences with encountering and solving IT challenges. All Summit Workshop Proposals not accepted for the IT Summit will be automatically considered in developing our 2023-24 Educational Season calendar of monthly events beginning in September (this process begins in June). If you've missed the proposal period, you are still welcome to enter a Workshop Proposal for consideration for the next season. You can use the Summit Workshop forms at these links: Google Form, MS Word Form, or PDF document.
Sign up for MTUG's mailing list to be sure to receive RFP-related announcements & updates for next year: MTUG Mailing List. (Summit Workshop RFP forms will be sent out to ALL MTUG email groups and audiences.)
Summit Tradeshow
Click here for a list of exhibitors alphabetically with known .
Exhibit Booth Map - Assignments in Progress
(Booth map/list frame may take a moment to load...)
Sponsor and Exhibitor Information / Packages
Tradeshow Packages
A handful of booths and exhibiting sponsorship packages are still available -- Click below on the remaining options to register and start an invoice request.
- Gold Sponsorship: 1 package remaining.
- Silver Sponsorship: 1 package remaining.
- Bronze Sponsorship: 2 packages remaining.
- Standard Booth Registration: 2 booth-only packages remaining.
Exhibitor / Sponsor Information
- Sponsor / Booth Package Info [PDF]
- Exhibitor Logistics [PDF - updated]
- Practice Badge QR Code
MTUG uses a standard QR code that creates a vCard entry for your default phone Contacts app, with the term "MTUG2023" in the notes field. Many free apps are available to read QR codes, and even most phone cameras can recognize this type of QR code (do not use your phone web browser). We do not sell, nor require vendors to purchase, any special proprietary lead management equipment.
Press Info
- PRESS RELEASE: www.mtug.org/assets/uploads/mtug2023/PressRelease-MTUG2023.pdf
- WIDE LOGO: www.mtug.org/assets/uploads/mtug2023/MTUG2023-SummitLogo-EarlyEdition.png (1783x656)
- TALL LOGO: www.mtug.org/assets/uploads/mtug2023/MTUG2023-SummitLogo-VERTICAL-EarlyEdition.png (670x950)
- STUDENT FLYER: www.mtug.org/StudentSummitFlyerPDF
- Direct Public Registration Link at Eventbrite: https://mtug2023.eventbrite.com
Social media:
- LinkedIn MTUG Group (over 1400 members!): www.linkedin.com/groups/1496097/
- LinkedIn Event Listing: linkedin.com/events/2023annuali-t-summit-tradeshow7030647677600047104/
- Twitter: twitter.com/MTUG_Maine -- Hashtag: #MTUG2023
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/MTUGMaine/
- Facebook Event: www.facebook.com/events/1239024690032437
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/mtugmaine/